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by Bill Campbell last modified 2007-12-18 19:09

OpenPKG is a portable packaging system that helps maintain heterogeneous Unix type systems.

Package Descriptions and notes

These contain notes on packages that either aren't in the official OpenPKG releases or have been modified for LibertySoft usage.

  • Coreutils Core Utilities
  • CVS Concurrent Version System.
  • Berkeley (Sleepycat) DB Berkeley Database.
  • djbdns Dan Bernstein's DNS system.
  • findutils GNU file utilities.
  • gcc GNU C Compiler
  • gdbm GNU hash database utilities.
  • Horde Horde web system which is required for IMP webmail, and a variety of web-based productivity tools
  • libtool GNU tool for building shared libraries, required by many open source software packages.
  • OpenPKG The base system for all OpenPKG packages.
  • Openssh Open Source version of secure shell.
  • Openssh X11 Notes Notes on openssh changes that break clients.
  • perl Larry Wall's scripting language.
  • perl::DBI Database independent access system.
  • Postfix Mail Transport Agent
  • postgresql SQL
  • python-getdate A python date string parsing utility, derived from CVS.
  • rsync Andrew Tridgell's efficient replacement for rcp.
  • rwhoisd The RWHOIS daemon that's supposed to identify all your sites.
  • whoson The WHOSOND daemon which enables POP/IMAP before SMTP allowing e-mail relays.
  • Zope python based web system.

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