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by zoperoot last modified 2007-11-04 22:51
The following links don't come under any other convenient category. * "Anonymous Ftp": Celestial Systems maintains an Anonymous FTP site site with both binaries and source code for Unix and Linux systems. Humor * "User Friendly Comic Strip": * "The Onion": Microsoft Security Notes: * "Are your Documents really private when you use Outlook?": * "ANOTHER SERIOUS SECURITY HOLE IN MICROSOFT IIS": * "MS masters NC mind-set": * "New Windows XP Feature Can Re-Edit Others' Sites": * "Microsoft Security Flaw Can Lead to Denial of Service Attack": * "SPECIALIST: IE, WINDOWS CAN MASK DANGEROUS FILES": * "All your data (and biz plans) are belong to Microsoft": * "Most Dangerous Programming Error in windows": * "Critics Blast MS Security":,1282,36336,00.htm If you're a Windows 2000 user, be warned: Your security software may not work the way you think it does. * "Microsoft's ActiveX Too Active?":,1282,34474,00.html Why would anybody run a BDPL (Brain Damaged Program Loader) that lets anybody run any command on the system? * "Security hole in Netscape exposes hard drive files": * "MS admits planting secret password":,4586,2543490,00.html Here's one of the reasons we won't install *Front Page* on our systems. * "Yet Another Melissa-Like Virus Makes the Rounds": * "Bug knocks Active Directory for a loop": * "R U S H - K I L L E R V I R U S A L E R T!": FBI warn's of another nasty Windows virus. * "Win 2000 Server Contains Defect": A defect in Microsoft's Windows 2000 Server poses a potentially devastating threat to ISPs, point-of-sale systems and small to midsize businesses. * "Bugfest! Win2000 has 63,000 'defects'":,4586,2436920,00.html?chkpt=zdnntop * "Aureate Media Corporation Controversy": Aureate uses Internet Exploder to monitor your systrem. * "Kerberos Made To Heel To Windows 2000.": In a move that company detractors said is another sign of its infamous ``Embrace, Extend, Extinguish'' strategy, Microsoft has used an open Internet security standard in its Windows 2000 operating system and made modifications without openly documenting its changes. * "Microsoft Finally Publishes Secret Kerberos Format": ``The data format, however, is only for review and analysis. Microsoft has yet to decide if it will license the format to either third-party vendors or developers.'' Who would license this from Microsoft given the experience of Exodus Software (NTerprise), and Citrix where Microsoft licensed NT 3.51 source code, they developed products and established them in the marketplace, then Microsoft refused to license NT 4.0 effectively killing the products? * "Windows 2000: Do the Pieces Fit?": * "How US spies opened Windows on the world": * "BSOD in Oz 13 February 2000": * "More BSOD Screenshots": * "Frequently Asked Questions -- Microsoft's PPTP Implementation": Microsoft's "kindergarten cryptographer" security mistakes. Other Tech Notes * "VNC -- Virtual Network Computing Free from AT&T Research": * "Flawed DELL notebooks can be fixed": Security * "Easy firewall setup with ipchains": This comes recommended by Nicholas Petreley in Info World, April 24th 2000. * "SSL wrapper for IMAP and other things": I haven't looked at this yet, but it's on my to-do list. * "Linux 2.2.10 ipchains Advisory": * "Dave Dittrich's Security Page": * "VPN solution for Micro$oft clients": Applications Hardware Stuff * "Winmodems are not modems but they may work anyway": Linux Notes and Articles: * "Linux FAQs and Step x Steps": Step by Step instructions for quick and easy setup (not HowTOs). * "The Linux Challenge": Network Computing Magazine's report after converting their Chicago Lab to Linux. * "IBM Embraces Linux on the Mainframe": * "It's Official: IBM Announces Linux for the S/390": IBM Partners with SuSE Linux, TurboLinux * "S/390: The Linux Dream Machine": Linux Everywhere: More than a Slogan * "Possibly the definitive page on Linux on laptops": * "Linux on Thinkpads": * "X on the IBM ThinkPad 760ED": * "XF86Config for Thinkpad 760ED": * "Piloting Your Palm with Linux": * "Reliability and Scalability in high-end servers": Spam (Unsolicited E-Mail) * "Viral marketing adds a taste of spam to your mail": * " First Company in Tennessee to Win Anti-Spamming Case": First Judgment and Award Under the Anti-Spamming Statute in Tennessee * "The RBL (Realtime Blackhole List)": you really don't want to find your hosts on this list. * "Spam scam on the Internet": Australian and U.S. Securities people combine against spammers. * "AGIS Backbone Buckles":,1087,8_313771,00.html * "Why Bulk E-mail is Bad Business": * "Coalition Against Unsolicited Email (CAUCE)": Microsoft Anti-Trust Suit * "Brief Amicus Curiae of the Software and Information Industry Association": IN SUPPORT OF THE UNITED STATES * "Microsoft Resigns from SIIA (after reading Friend of the Court Brief above)": Miscellany * "NIST Time Servers": * "Network Port Numbers for /etc/services": * "A Structured Field and Namespace for the Identification of Mailing Lists": * "Nortel Support": Politics -- National and Washington State * "Library of Congress,": * "U.S. House of Representatives mailing lists": * "Politics other stuff":politics.html
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