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by Bill Campbell last modified 2007-11-05 01:25

Celestial/LibertySoft Modifications

  • Added a SuSE /bin/rpm package, openpkg-postfix, that Obsoletes SuSE's postfix and provides smtp_daemon to prevent SuSE from reinstalling postfix when it does software updates or installations.
  • Use deliver instead of procmail. This is largely local preference, but we use deliver to handle Maildir as well as customized delivery to user mailboxes.
  • Modify the Run Control file rc.postfix to not mail the pflogmail automatically. This file can be huge on busy systems.
  • Modify the Run Control file rc.postfix to run and email Celestial's @l_prefix@/bin/ mail summary to the postmaster. This is based on the smail-3.2 mailsumm program, and provides what I think is more readable and generally useful information.

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