What is OpenPKG?
OpenPKG is a portable package management system designed to ease the job of administration of multiple Unix systems (Unix systems include FreeBSD, Linux, Solaris, and similar systems). OpenPKG provides a way to manage systems, largely independent of the Unix type, and of the particular distribution within diverse systems such as Linux.
OpenPKG was originally developed by Cable and Wireless (C&W) in Europe as a tool to make the job of maintaining large numbers of Unix systems manageable. C&W is a large ISP (Internet Service Provider) in Europe with many systems running FreeBSD, Solaris, and Linux.
The OpenPKG Handbook is also available which goes into OpenPKG in depth.
Why would I use OpenPKG?
OpenPKG eliminates many of the problems normally associated with running multiple Unix systems. OpenPKG:
Is independent of the vendor's package management system so changes don't affect vendor updates.
Maintains its own versions of critical programs, rpm, gzip, gnu-tar, bash2, curl, patch, etc., statically linked, to insure that it has control of everthing necessary to build and maintain its own RPM database.
Eases training since developers and admins only need to learn to build and maintain software using RPM with OpenPKG.
Provides a common file structure, independent of the vendor's system. The OpenPKG system works within a single directory which is organized much like a ``standard'' Unix file system.
The OpenPKG installations we use at Celestial are all installed under the /home/csoft/$ostype directory where $ostype is the type of operating system (e.g. suse81, freebsd47, etc.). Each system has a symbolic link from this directory to /csoft which makes it very easy to initialize and activate the OpenPKG enviornment with a single command:
eval `/csoft/etc/rc --eval all env`
This sets the PATH with /csoft/bin:/csoft/sbin,... before the standard PATH so the Celestial routines are found first.
Maintains one or more software packages per instance of OpenPKG (there may be more than one OpenPKG system installed on a computer).
Provides a Run Command (RC) to start, stop, restart, reload, and set the appropriate environment for all packages running under OpenPKG. The start/stop logic is very similar to the System V ``inittab'' processing. This RC provides a uniform method of starting and stopping packages with a logical priority system which is generally easier to use than the somewhat arcane logic of SysVInit scripts, and more flexible than FreeBSD.
The RC also formalizes the process of setting package related environment variables, and is used to set the user's PATH environment variable which can enable or disable various packages within the OpenPKG system.
Allows development by non-root users on the system. Many OpenPKG packages can be installed by unpriviledged users.
Minimizes changes to the installed operating system. All OpenPKG software is installed in a separate directory hierarchy, with minimal linking into the base system.
Provides a large number (just under 700 at this time) of standard source RPMS (SRPMS), designed for maximum portability. There are people who constantly monitor updates to these packages, and are very fast about keeping the official packages up to date. I've seen updates to programs like cvs with security fixes well before getting CERT advisories about security problems found.
Using the OpenPKG versions of programs such as rsync and postfix allows uniform configuration regardless of the base operating systems.
Encourages building from source on target systems to insure that all local configuration is optimized.
OpenPKG Users & Permissions
OpenPKG is designed to allow non-root users to build packages, and to install it so long as the package doesn't require special ownership (e.g. setuid root programs). OpenPKG provides four distinct user/group combinations (the %{xxx} indicates RPM macros used throughout OpenPKG's RPM SPEC files):
SuperUser (%{l_susr},%{l_sgrp}), the system administrator account. Normally this is the same as the system's root user. This account is used to install packages on the systems.
Manager (%{l_musr},%{l_mgrp}), the owner of most of the OpenPKG systems files and directories. This is normally the user account being used to build software. This account may also install software that doesn't require ownership other than %{l_musr},%{l_mgrp}.
Celestial's /csoft packages use the account and group name ``csoftmgr''.
Restricted (%{l_rusr},%{l_rgrp}), the acccount used for packages that require restricted access (e.g. MySQL's private directories). Typically files and directories owned by the restricted user will not be readable by others.
Celestial's /csoft packages use the account and group name ``csoftdev''.
Nobody (%{l_nusr},%{l_ngrp}), the account used for general access by outsiders with no special priviledges.
Celestial's /csoft packages use the account and group name ``csoftmgr''.
Bootstrapping OpenPKG
The bootstrap process with OpenPKG is very straightforward on supported systems. First one builds a binary installation script from a source script, then one installs that binary installation script. The binary installation script can then be used for original installation on similar systems (e.g. SuSE 8.1, freebsd-4.7, etc.). A tutorial is available on the OpenPKG web site.
The first part of the bootstrap, building from sources requires arguments to specify the default package prefix, users, and groups for each of the OpenPKG ownership groups (the super user group defaults to root and the root group unless overridden). This build produces a shell script containing the compiled binary distribution which will be used to create one or more instances of OpenPKG on the system.
The second part of the bootstrap process is executing the binary bootstrap script created above once for each instance of OpenPKG on the system. This script takes an argument, --prefix=/directory'' which will override the prefix specified when building the script.
The bootstrap installation does the appropriate things to:
Add the OpenPKG users and groups if they don't exist already.
Add the appropriate commands to start and stop the OpenPKG instance when the system is booted or shut down.
Add the appropriate entries so that the OpenPKG cron jobs are run monthly, weekly, daily, hourly, and quarterly (every 15 minutes).
Building Packages with OpenPKG
OpenPKG uses a version of RPM modified to work entirely within a package's directory structure. There are some changes in the way RPMs are built, some the result of encouraging non-root users to build the RPMs, others in the way the RPM sources, builds, and packages are handled in the file system.
Changes in RPM
There have been several changes to the ``rpm'' program:
Build by non-root users.
More rational directory structure.
Cleaner formatting of specfiles.
Utility macros for common functions such as file editing and building a list of files installed.
Encourages building packages with user specified options.
An add-on perl script that rebuilds multiple packages based on dependencies and user defined options.
Packages are built by non-root users, limiting the amount of damage done by bad specfiles.
More rational directory structure -- instead of the SOURCES, SPECS, BUILD, RPMS, and SRPMS directories found under the standard RPM directory, OpenPKG's RPMs are all built under the %{l_prefix}/RPM/{PKG,SRC,TMP} directories. The RPM database is under the %{l_prefix}/RPM/DB directory instead of someplace under /var/lib.
Each package's sources, patches and spec files are in one directory, %{l_prefix}/RPM/SRC/%{name} instead of being split between the SOURCES and SPECS directories as done with standard RPM. I find this much easier to use than having spec files and sources in different directories.
The BUILD directory is replaced by the %{l_prefix}/RPM/TMP directory, and by convention the BUILD_ROOT directory is the same as the build directory with a ``-root'' suffix. This convention makes it easy to look at the installed files using $PWD-root when in the build directory.
A second advantage to using the %{l_prefix}/RPM/TMP directory is that this can be easily symlinked to a directory on a UFS file system when running on Apple's OS\ X OS where the default file system is case insensitive.
The specfile handling has been cleaned up so that macros such as %setup and %patch may be indented from the left margin. This permits indentation of all the major specfile sections for easier reading.
The specfiles can contain options which control the build process making it far easier to build complex programs such as ``apache''.
One of the most important features of the OpenPKG system is the ``openpkg'' script that is used to build and maintain OpenPKG instances. This works in conjunction with the user's ~/.openpkg/build file which contains the location of the SRPMS, and various build options to generate scripts to rebuild and install all packages necessary to one or more packages.
``openpkg build -Ua > /tmp/build.all'' creates a script that will rebuild all packages that are installed on the system, and out of date compared to the archive.
``openpkg build apache > /tmp/build.apache'' creates a script that will build apache and any other packages that apache needs based on the options selected in the ~/.openpkg/build file.
# OpenPKG default parameters for ``openpkg build'' # | -r /e/openpkg/SRC # | -f /e/openpkg/SRC/00INDEX.rdf.bz2 # -f # -f #-r #-f -r -f #-f -P sudo # -N sudo # the newest version breaks postfix # -E openldap # We're modifying these ourselves # -E postfix # -E myodbc # -E unixodbc -E smail -D smail::with_sendmail=no -D samba::with_docs -D coreutils::with_legacy -D with_cvs_badroot -D gdbm::with_ndbm -D perl::with_shared # openssh options # -D openssh::with_pam -D openssh::with_pcre -D openssh::with_tcp_wrappers -D openssh::with_x11 # This is for vim at least. -D with_x11 -D vim::with_x11=no # Apache -D apache::with_mod_auth_mysql -D apache::with_mod_php_gettext -D with_mod_access_referer=no -D with_mod_auth_ldap -D with_mod_auth_pam=no -D with_mod_dav=no -D apache::with_mod_php_pgsql=yes -D with_mod_fastcgi=no -D with_mod_gzip -D with_mod_layout=no -D with_mod_macro=no -D with_mod_perl -D with_mod_php -D with_mod_php3=no -D with_mod_php3_ftp=no -D with_mod_php3_gd=no -D with_mod_php3_jpeg=no -D with_mod_php3_mysql=no -D with_mod_php3_openssl=no -D with_mod_php3_zlib=no -D with_mod_php_bc -D with_mod_php_bzip2 -D with_mod_php_calendar -D with_mod_php_curl -D with_mod_php_db -D with_mod_php_debug -D with_mod_php_freetype -D with_mod_php_ftp -D with_mod_php_gd=no -D with_mod_php_imap -D with_mod_php_java=no -D with_mod_php_mhash -D with_mod_php_mm -D with_mod_php_mysql -D with_mod_php_oci8=no -D with_mod_php_openldap -D with_mod_php_openssl -D with_mod_php_pcre -D with_mod_php_pdflib -D with_mod_php_transsid -D with_mod_php_xml -D with_mod_php_zlib -D with_mod_relocate=no -D with_mod_roaming=no -D with_mod_ssl -D with_mod_throttle=no # perl dbi -D perl-dbi::with_dbd_mysql -D perl-dbi::with_dbd_pg -D perl-dbi::with_dbd_odbc # perl-xml -D with_libxml -D with_libxslt # glib -D with_threads # postfix -D postfix::with_tls -D postfix::with_ldap -D postfix::with_whoson # postgres -D postgresql::with_cxx=yes -D postgresql::with_perl=yes -D postgresql::with_odbc=yes -D postgresql::with_compat=no |
Building RPMS
RPM works on the principle of building software packages from pristine sources, applying patches as necessary, compiling, and building binary and source RPM files under the control of a single specification file. The spec file controls package building, creation of binary files for installation and source, and anything necessary when the package is installed, updated, or removed. Here is an example of the gcc.spec file used for the OpenPKG build of gcc. It is fairly complex, and has good examples of many of the features of rpm.
## ## gcc.spec -- OpenPKG RPM Specification ## Copyright (c) 2000-2003 The OpenPKG Project <> ## Copyright (c) 2000-2003 Ralf S. Engelschall <> ## Copyright (c) 2000-2003 Cable & Wireless <> ## ## Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software for ## any purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that ## the above copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all ## copies. ## ## THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED ``AS IS'' AND ANY EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED ## WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF ## MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. ## IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS AND COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND THEIR ## CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, ## SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT ## LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF ## USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ## ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, ## OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT ## OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF ## SUCH DAMAGE. ## # package version %define V_full 3.3 %define V_comp %nil %define V_bounds 1.01 %define V_spp 3 # package information Name: gcc Summary: GNU Compiler Collection URL: Vendor: Free Software Foundation Packager: The OpenPKG Project Distribution: OpenPKG [CORE] Group: Language License: GPL Version: %{V_full} Release: 1.3.0 # package options %option with_cxx yes %option with_optimize yes %option with_binutils yes %option with_threads yes %option with_bounds no %option with_spp no %option with_gcc no # options sanity check %if "%{with_bounds}" == "yes" && "%{with_spp}" == "yes" RPM ERROR: options with_bounds and with_ssp conflict %endif # list of sources Source0:{version}/gcc-%{version}.tar.bz2 Patch0: gcc.patch Patch1:{version}-%{V_bounds}.patch.bz2 Patch2:{version}-%{V_spp}.tar.gz # build information Prefix: %{l_prefix} BuildRoot: %{l_buildroot} BuildPreReq: OpenPKG, openpkg >= 1.3.0, make PreReq: OpenPKG, openpkg >= 1.3.0 %if "%{with_binutils}" == "yes" BuildPreReq: binutils >= 2.13 PreReq: binutils >= 2.13 %endif AutoReq: no AutoReqProv: no %if "%{with_gcc}" == "yes" Provides: gcc = %{version}-%{release} %endif %description The GNU Compiler Collection (GCC) provides a standard conforming and highly portable ISO C and ISO C++ compiler. %prep %setup -q -n gcc-%{version} %patch0 -p0 %if "%{with_bounds}" == "yes" %patch1 -p1 %endif %if "%{with_spp}" == "yes" ( cd gcc %{l_gzip} -d -c %{PATCH protector-%{version}-%{V_spp}.tar.gz} | %{l_tar} xf - %{l_patch} -p1 <protector.dif ) || exit $? %endif %{l_shtool} subst -v -s \ -e "s;PREFIX_INCLUDE_DIR;PREFIX_INCLUDE_DIR_DISABLED;g" \ gcc/configure %build # create build sub-directory mkdir obj cd obj # determine ld(1) and as(1) usage l_with_gnu_ld_as="" %if "%{with_binutils}" == "yes" l_with_gnu_ld_as="${l_with_gnu_ld_as} --with-gnu-ld --with-ld=%{l_prefix}/bin/ld" l_with_gnu_ld_as="${l_with_gnu_ld_as} --with-gnu-as --with-as=%{l_prefix}/bin/as" %else case "%{l_target}" in *-linux* | *-freebsd* ) l_with_gnu_ld_as="${l_with_gnu_ld_as} --with-gnu-as --with-gnu-ld" ;; esac %endif # determine threads usage %if "%{with_threads}" == "yes" l_enable_threads="posix" %else l_enable_threads="single" %endif # determine language usage l_enable_languages="c" %if "%{with_cxx}" == "yes" l_enable_languages="${l_enable_languages},c++" %endif # configure the package CC="%{l_cc}" \ CFLAGS="%{l_cflags}" \ ../configure \ --prefix=%{l_prefix} \ --exec-prefix=%{l_prefix} \ --includedir=%{l_prefix}/include/gcc%{V_comp} \ --with-gxx-include-dir=%{l_prefix}/include/g++%{V_comp} \ --with-local-prefix=%{l_prefix}/lib/gcc%{V_comp}-lib \ --enable-languages="${l_enable_languages}" \ --enable-threads="${l_enable_threads}" \ --disable-maintainer-mode \ --disable-shared \ --disable-nls \ ${l_with_gnu_ld_as} # explicitly redirect remaining gcc-lib directories %{l_shtool} subst -v -s \ -e "s;/gcc-lib/;/gcc%{V_comp}-lib/;" \ `find . -name Makefile -type f -print` # determine build flags l_cflags="" l_boot_cflags="" l_libcflags="-g" l_libcxxflags="-g" %if "%{with_binutils}" == "yes" # at least GNU as from GNU binutils supports -pipe always l_boot_cflags="$l_boot_cflags -pipe" l_libcxxflags="$l_libcxxflags -pipe" %endif %if "%{with_optimize}" == "yes" # conservatively optimize the generated program code # (also _tune_ for particular CPUs, but _without_ requiring these CPUs!) l_cflags="$l_cflags -O" l_boot_cflags="$l_boot_cflags -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer -funroll-loops" case "%{l_target}" in *x86-* ) l_boot_cflags="$l_boot_cflags -mcpu=pentium3" ;; *sparc64-* ) l_boot_cflags="$l_boot_cflags -mtune=v9" ;; esac l_libcxxflags="$l_libcxxflags -O2 -fno-implicit-templates" %else # else do no optimizations at all to reduce problems to minimum in advance l_boot_cflags="$l_boot_cflags -O0" l_libcxxflags="$l_libcxxflags -O0" %endif # build the package %{l_make} %{l_mflags} \ MAKE="%{l_make} %{l_mflags}" \ BOOT_CFLAGS="${l_boot_cflags}" \ CFLAGS="${l_cflags}" \ LIBCFLAGS="${l_libcflags}" \ LIBCXXFLAGS="${l_libcxxflags}" \ bootstrap-lean %install rm -rf $RPM_BUILD_ROOT # fetch GNU platform triple triple=`./config.guess` triple=`./config.sub ${triple}` # perform the standard installation procedure ( cd obj %{l_make} %{l_mflags} install DESTDIR=$RPM_BUILD_ROOT ) || exit $? # cleanup installation tree mv $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{l_prefix}/lib/lib*.a \ $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{l_prefix}/lib/gcc%{V_comp}-lib/${triple}/%{V_full}/ for multilib in `$RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{l_prefix}/bin/gcc --print-multi-lib`; do subdir=`echo "$multilib" | sed -e 's/;.*$//'` [ ".$subdir" = .. ] && continue mv $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{l_prefix}/lib/$subdir/lib*.a \ $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{l_prefix}/lib/gcc%{V_comp}-lib/${triple}/%{V_full}/$subdir/ rm -rf $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{l_prefix}/lib/$subdir done mv $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{l_prefix}/${triple}/include/* \ $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{l_prefix}/lib/gcc%{V_comp}-lib/${triple}/%{V_full}/include/ \ >/dev/null 2>&1 || true # strip installation tree rm -rf $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{l_prefix}/${triple} rm -rf $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{l_prefix}/man/man7 >/dev/null 2>&1 || true rm -f $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{l_prefix}/lib/*.la >/dev/null 2>&1 || true rm -f $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{l_prefix}/bin/*-gcc* >/dev/null 2>&1 || true %if "%{with_cxx}" == "yes" rm -f $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{l_prefix}/bin/*-c++ >/dev/null 2>&1 || true rm -f $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{l_prefix}/bin/*-g++ >/dev/null 2>&1 || true %endif strip $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{l_prefix}/bin/* >/dev/null 2>&1 || true for prog in cc1 cc1plus collect2 cpp; do strip $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{l_prefix}/lib/gcc%{V_comp}-lib/${triple}/%{V_full}/${prog} \ >/dev/null 2>&1 || true done # bump up installation tree ln $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{l_prefix}/bin/gcc \ $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{l_prefix}/bin/cc ln $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{l_prefix}/man/man1/gcc.1 \ $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{l_prefix}/man/man1/cc.1 %if "%{with_cxx}" == "yes" ln $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{l_prefix}/man/man1/g++.1 \ $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{l_prefix}/man/man1/c++.1 %endif # resolve filename conflicts %if "%{with_gcc}" != "yes" && "%{V_comp}" != "" ( cd $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{l_prefix}/bin for file in *; do mv ${file} ${file}%{V_comp} done ) || exit $? ( cd $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{l_prefix}/info for file in *; do mv ${file} `echo ${file} | sed -e 's;^\([^.]*\)\(\..*\)$;\1%{V_comp}\2;'` done ) || exit $? ( cd $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{l_prefix}/man/man1 for file in *; do mv ${file} `echo ${file} | sed -e 's;^\([^.]*\)\(\..*\)$;\1%{V_comp}\2;'` done ) || exit $? %endif # determine installation file list %{l_rpmtool} files -v -ofiles -r$RPM_BUILD_ROOT %{l_files_std} %files -f files %clean rm -rf $RPM_BUILD_ROOT |
Run Control
Each package may have a run control file that is used to:
Start, Stop, Restart, and reload the package.
Get the status of the package (running, not configured, ...).
Set the environment required by the package.
Run monthly, weekly, daily, hourly, and quarterly (15 minutes) cron jobs.
Run control under OpenPKG is very similar to the SYSV style scripts with a little FreeBSD thrown in for good measure. Each package may have a %{l_prefix}/etc/rc.d/rc.$packagename file which is a plain ascii file with sections to handle the various functions (start, stop, status, environment, %{l_prefix}/etc/rc.conf file. All run control is done by the %%l_prefix}/etc/rc script.
%{l_prefix}/etc/rc ($package|all) command [command..] |
Where command may be env, stop, start, restart, reload, status, hourly, daily, weekly, etc.
The apache run control file is probably a good example with all the sections:
#!/home/csoft/freebsd48/lib/openpkg/bash /home/csoft/freebsd48/etc/rc ## ## rc.apache -- Run-Commands ## %config apache_enable="$openpkg_rc_def" apache_log_files="/home/csoft/freebsd48/var/apache/log/access.log" apache_log_prolog="true" apache_log_epilog="true" apache_log_numfiles="10" apache_log_minsize="1M" apache_log_complevel="9" apache_err_files="/home/csoft/freebsd48/var/apache/log/error.log" apache_err_prolog="true" apache_err_epilog="true" apache_err_numfiles="10" apache_err_minsize="1M" apache_err_complevel="9" %status -u root -o apache_usable="no" apache_active="no" /home/csoft/freebsd48/sbin/apachectl configtest 2>/dev/null && apache_usable="yes" ( eval `grep "^PIDFILE=" /home/csoft/freebsd48/sbin/apachectl` [ ".$PIDFILE" != . -a -f "$PIDFILE" ] && kill -0 `cat $PIDFILE` ) && apache_active="yes" echo "apache_enable=\"$apache_enable\"" echo "apache_usable=\"$apache_usable\"" echo "apache_active=\"$apache_active\"" %start -u root rcService apache enable yes || exit 0 rcService apache active yes && exit 0 /home/csoft/freebsd48/sbin/apachectl start %stop -u root rcService apache enable yes || exit 0 rcService apache active no && exit 0 /home/csoft/freebsd48/sbin/apachectl stop sleep 2 %restart -u root rcService apache enable yes || exit 0 rcService apache active no && exit 0 /home/csoft/freebsd48/sbin/apachectl restart %daily -u root rcService apache enable yes || exit 0 if [ ".$apache_log_files" != . ]; then # rotate logfile shtool rotate -f \ -n ${apache_log_numfiles} -s ${apache_log_minsize} -d \ -z ${apache_log_complevel} -m 644 -o root -g csoftmgr \ -P "${apache_log_prolog}" \ -E "${apache_log_epilog} && rc apache restart" \ $apache_log_files fi if [ ".$apache_err_files" != . ]; then # rotate errfile shtool rotate -f \ -n ${apache_err_numfiles} -s ${apache_err_minsize} -d \ -z ${apache_err_complevel} -m 644 -o root -g csoftmgr \ -P "${apache_err_prolog}" \ -E "${apache_err_epilog} && rc apache restart" \ $apache_err_files fi |
Changes in Celestial's System Installations
One of the benefits of OpenPKG is that it has forced us to take a hard look at how our software is organized (if that's the word), and to reorganize many of the files and directories so they all are contained within our OpenPKG directory, /csoft.
We're building the system so that there are minimal changes to the vendor's system. For maximum portability, this requires that we have a local copy of perl. This avoids installing things in the root file system, we don't not have to worry about which packages the vendor has included in their perl (a major problem in the past). Wherever possible, we're using the OpenPKG SRPMS for programs like perl, rsync, gcc, etc. to minimize the amount of customization necessary.
Changes in CSBASE
We moved several directories and files when moving Celestial's base software package, csbase, to OpenPKG including:
Old | New | Comment |
/usr/local | %{l_prefix} | normally /csoft |
/usr/bin/csspath* | %{l_prefix}/etc/csspath* | |
/usr/local/bin/perl | %{l_prefix}/bin/perl | |
/usr/bin/perl | %{l_prefix}/bin/perl | |
/usr/local/lib/perl5 | %{l_prefix} | ( perl -V:sitelib ) |
/etc/bashenv | %{l_prefix}/etc/bashenv | |
/etc/default | %{l_prefix}/etc/csbase | |
/u/tmp/Maint | %{l_prefix}/lib/csbase/Maint | Maintenance Directory |
/usr/local/lib/fax/phonemap* | %{l_prefix}/etc/csbase/ | |
/usr/adm/tcheck/cops | %{l_prefix}/lib/cops | |
/usr/adm/tcheck | %{l_prefix}/lib/tripwire | |
df | csdf | Conflicts with OpenPKG coreutils |
install | csinstall | Conflicts with OpenPKG coreutils |
ranlib | csranlib | Conflicts with OpenPKG coreutils |
replace | csreplace | Conflicts with mysql |
tic | cstic | Conflicts with ncurses |
unlink | csunlink | Conflicts with OpenPKG coreutils |
uulog | csuulog | Conflicts with uucp |
whoami | cswhomai | Conflicts with OpenPKG coreutils |