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by zoperoot last modified 2007-11-05 01:07
Assigning IP Addresses to Servers

Assigning IP Addresses to Servers

This requires a bit of planning, and depends on the function of the system where the server(s) running.

  • A single machine on the Internet that doesn't supply any external information may just have dnscache running on (localhost).

  • A machine supplying DNS lookup services to other machines on its network, but no other services, then dnscache would be run on the primary IP address on the LAN.

  • A machine supplying authoritative data would run tinydns on a public IP address, and dnscache on either or a private IP address to do address resolution. It might also run another copy of tinydns on (another localhost) with private authoritative data to handle ``split-horizon''. This machine would also run axfrdns to support zone transfers as required.

    One could run multiple copies of dnscache on a machine to provide pure resolution on one IP address, and split-horizon on another.

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